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NexZest Deals Frequently Asked Questions

Our Most Frequently Asked Questions

Signing up for is absolutely FREE. Simply enter your email address and the city where you live. Once we have offers available in your city, you will begin to receive emails notifying you of these local savings. Our coupons and promotional codes are free!

Simply click the “Add to Cart” button on the offer you wish to purchase and follow the instructions to complete the transaction.

Your Deal certificates are generated when you make your purchase. You will receive them via an email confirmation but can also login to your account any time to access them. It’s that easy!

Our offers are available only in a limited quantity. When an offer approaches the quantity limit, you will see an “Almost Gone” graphic on the offer. Once it reaches the limit, that offer is sold out and no longer available. So, if there’s an offer you want, be sure to purchase early!

Each offer will have an expiration date – usually six months to one year. If a business closes before your offer expires, we will refund/credit your money.

Once a certificate expires, it loses its promotional value. However, the amount you paid for your Deal will be honored by the merchant for five years (in some instances, state law allows it to be honored for an even longer period). For example, if you paid $20 for a $40 certificate, the merchant is required to honor the $20.

Yes. Your credit card information is transmitted through PayPal merchant services. At no time is your credit card information stored on our servers. Please refer to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for more information.

1 Comment

Evelyn gerhart

4 years ago

Where can I get the class of 2020 sign you have in your yard, Matt? I'm a neighbor you met from 333 S. 10th street and current member of our QSHS Alumni Board. I want to put one in my yard and would like to contribute to the campaign. Is it you who would get me a similar sign or is it Chris Betz? Thanks! 215.538.7349

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