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All NewsMartial Arts Is For Everyone
Oftentimes, when people hear ‘martial arts’, they think about punches, kicks, and self-defense. At Lehigh Valley Martial Arts (LVMA), it’s so much more than that. They feel that mental and emotional development is just as important as self-defense and discipline. At each of their facilities in the Lehigh Valley, they take a unique approach to martial arts
Boosting Your Homes Curb Appeal
If you do not already know, Valley Lock and Door has MOVED! Come see our new showroom today! Showroom Location: 26 E 4TH STREET | EAST GREENVILLE Valley Lock and Door has been family-run and helping the UPV with all their door and lock needs since 2011. In 2020, owner, Bob McCarty, along with his
Is it time for a Tune-Up?
It probably is. For your bike at least. With the change in seasons, and warmer, nicer, and longer days, more people are getting back on their bicycles. Now is the perfect time to make sure you are riding safely and most efficiently on the road or trail. It might not need as much maintenance as