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All NewsAttic to Basement Thrift Shop is Celebrating 5 Years!
Mark and his wife Angel love their community and love to help people. That’s when they decided to start, Attic to Basement Thrift Shop in the heart of Nazareth located at 19 E Belvidere Street. They wanted to bring all the old memories of the past into a one-stop-shop for residents all over the Lehigh
Forever Fun at Forever Friends
Forever Friends Child Care, LLC is located in the heart of Nazareth. Local owner Adrienne Lopresti opened the doors in February 2013. Before she opened this location, Adrienne had an in-home daycare. Adrienne was inspired to open up her child care center because of her own experience with her daughter in a child care center.
Clean – Organic – Vegan
Amie Eck, owns the unique and beneficial Carera Organix here in downtown Nazareth. They opened their doors last April. And have been very successful ever since. Their inventory consists of numerous items, from soaps to lotions, clothing, handbags, jewelry, and more. You name it, chances are Carera has it. Amie has been working extremely hard