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All NewsSee What’s In Your Jewelers Mind
“I think jewelry is something to treasure for life… so each piece should hold a special meaning to its owner. Attention to detail and high standard of craftsmanship are extremely important to me.” Kristina Groetsch and her husband, Jared own Black Sea Jewelers, they come from generations of talented jewelers. Some even say it’s in
Experience Greatness – Local, Trusted & Established
Pepper and Blue salon and spa is a fully dedicated salon and spa who ensures that everyone that comes into their facility, values their mental and physical well-being. Pepper and Blue salon and spa is located in the heart of Quakertown, this unique and state-of-the-art salon and spa are preparing for the upcoming holidays. Pepper
Art Is Where Work Meets Love
Local Tattoo artist and owner of the Tell-Tale Art., Amanda Fronheiser-Roberts just celebrated her fifth anniversary of opening up the doors to her thriving business. She started her tattoo career at the end of her junior year when she began an apprenticeship. By her senior year, she was tattooing family and friends. She worked in tattoo