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All NewsFit Right Into The Family
The cycling community is like a family. Whether you like to ride 5 miles or 50 miles you are a part of it. Heather and Chad Balliet, owners of South Mountain Cycle & Café, are always excited to welcome new members to the family. From the moment you walk into their family-owned business, you can
Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful
Two years ago Laura and Sharon were looking for a new beginning. Upon finding the current Hair Studio 1208 location (Juniper Street) it was brought to their attention that the number 1208 was more than an address and holds significant meaning. The number 1208 is tied to new beginnings and new doors opening and from
Always Fresh, Always Wicked
The Wicked Chef is offering one of a kind Sandwiches and Culinary excellence. Emphasis on fresh food, flavors and textures of the culinary palate within house smoking of Polish Kielbasa, Pork, Beef Brisket, and Jumbo Whole Wings. Chef and Owner John W. Moniak, has degrees in Culinary Arts and Food Service Management from Johnson &